2 Thessalonians – February 15, 2015

“How To Live in Light of the
            Second Coming”

            “Shaken Because You’re Mistaken”

                        Get your eschatology right!

2 Thess. 2:1-6
 PDF: <<<Left click to view the text for today.

“Left click the arrow to listen to the audio file”

2 Thessalonians – February 8, 2015

“How To Live in Light of the
            Second Coming”

“Consider How It All Ends”

….2 Thess. 1:6-12
 PDF: <<<Left click to view the text for today.

“Left click the arrow to listen to the audio file”

2 Thessalonians – February 1, 2015

“How To Live in Light of the
            Second Coming”

“Persevere With Faith And Love ”

….2 Thess. 1:1-5
 PDF: <<<Left click to view the text for today.

“Left click the arrow to listen to the audio file”