Acts – September 25, 2011

“How To Present The Gospel”
…..Selected scripture passages

PDF: <<<Left click to view the text for today.
NOTE: The audio recording has been suspended for the time being…. *

Acts – September 18, 2011

“How To Present The Gospel”
…..Selected scripture passages

PDF: <<<Left click to view the text for today.
NOTE: The audio recording has been suspended for the time being…. *

Acts – September 11, 2011

“How To Present The Gospel”
…..Selected scripture passages

PDF: <<<Left click to view the text for today.
NOTE: The audio recording has been suspended for the time being…. *


OBH video special.
Fran Richter’s deck-dedication for her husband, Bob….who died from cancer a year ago.
This is a 2 minute mp4 cell-video. Download only.
DOWNLOAD: <<< right click to ’save…as’

June 26, 2011

“Proclaiming/sharing the Gospel (part 2)”

DOWNLOAD: <<< right click to ’save…as’

PDF: <<<left click…wait to load, then click the PDF save icon to save to your computer.

Summer recess after June 26. Next class September 11.
Remember the class picnics on Saturday August 13, 5pm!

June 12, 2011

“Proclaiming the Gospel (part 1)”

DOWNLOAD: <<< right click to ’save…as’

PDF: <<<left click…wait to load, then click the PDF save icon to save to your computer.

Next week, Pastor Goeff Bohleen.
June 26th will be part 2 of Sharing the Gospel. Don’t miss this class!
Beyond the 26th, the class is dismissed for the summer.
Remember the class picnics on Saturday August 13!

“Sharing the Gospel” – June 12 and 26
Who are unbelievers? •
What are the components of the Gospel? •
How do I share the Gospel